
ArchiAdvisor – archiadvisor.com: guide for the architecture of buildings and houses

The ArchiAdvisor website – archiadvisor.com, is designed to help people with projects of houses and buildings in their reflection and provide them detailed and accessible  information on the technical, administrative, legal and financial aspects of a construction at all the stages of the realization of an architectural project.

ArchiAdvisor – archiadvisor.com provides architects with ideas of creation by presenting examples of realizations and use of materials, practices and implementation of technologies that reduce the impact on the environment, both during construction and during the subsequent use of a house or building. ArchiAdvisor – archiadvisor.com informs to incite awareness and guide project owners towards the implementation of a sustainable architecture.

Collaboration between architects and a digital agency

The ArchiAdvisor – archiadvisor.com site is the result of the collaboration between architects expert in the design and construction of houses and buildings and a digital communication agency whose objective is to formalize these experiments and put them at the service of the future owners who are preparing the construction of their houses and buildings.